Contoh Time Schedule Perencanaan Arsitektur

 Contoh Time Schedule Perencanaan Arsitektur

Hallo sobat teknik yang lagi mau Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) dan teman - teman teknik semuanya yang ingin buat contoh time schedule perencanaan arsitektur langsung saja lihat contoh dibawah ini :)

(KOP Perusahaan)


PHASE 1.        Concept Design                                     February 26th – March 26th  2019

PHASE 2.        Design Development                              March 26th – April 10th  2019

PHASE 3.        Contruction Documentation                  April 10th – May 10th  2019


-      next phase will be conducted after the previous phase is being approved and complete payment of the tern already well received.
Tahap berikutnya akan dimulai setelah tahap sebelumnya disetujui dan pembayaran dari termin sebelumnya telah diterima dengan baik.

-     Revision per-phase are maximum 2 (two) time revision by client, additional revision willbe submitted for additional fee and will be proposed to client for approval before commencing the revision.
Revisi setiap tahap adalah maksimum 2 (dua) kali revisi dari pihak klien, penambahan revisi akan dikenakan penambahan biaya dan akan diajukan terlebih dahulu kepada pihak klienuntuk persetujuan sebelum revisi dimulai.
-        Revision per-phase mention mention above is designated on the current phase only and not including the previous phase. If the revisions are affecting the previous phase, re-design work have to be done, whether it is partiallyor whole complete design. Revision/re-design previous phase that have been approved will be subject for additional fee and will be proposed to client for approval before commencing the work.

Jl. Tukad Ayung, Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia
Office: +65432. 123. 567 Ph: +6285. 123. 456. 789
Email:  Web Site:


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